Weekend Check-In

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Check-In Procedures:

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All units and persons entering the camp must check-in at the Visitor’s Center located at the entrance of the camp.

The William H. Pouch staff will collect any site fees that are outstanding. A roster is required before entering camp, they are available at camp. Units using a cabin will be expected to leave a $50 refundable cash damage deposit (payable at the camp office only). Unit leaders will be provided a key (cabin users), a map and detailed directions to your site. If you have any individuals needing assistance or have heavy equipment, please ask for assistance at check-in; a Ranger will be happy to assist you.

Fees due at camp can be paid by cash, check or credit card. Please make checks out to Greater New York Councils, BSA; you will be provided a receipt for all payments or deposits.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″ icons_position=”left”][vc_column_text]

Visitor’s Center & Trading Post Hours

Friday:          6pm to 10pm
Saturday:      8am to 8pm
Sunday:        8am to 3pm

Please call the camp if you will be arriving before or after the office hours listed above. Arrangements will be made to accommodate your arrival.

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Cabin Rental

Gas Readings:  A fee of $1.25 per pound is charged for gas use in the cabins. Gas readings are taken by the Rangers prior to your arrival and will be provided to you at check-in. Please verify the gas reading when you arrive at your cabin. A reading will be taken upon your departure from the cabin by either a Campmaster or Ranger.

All cabins in Pouch have gas stoves and heaters. Cabins that do not have electric service do not have gas lanterns. Please bring lanterns with you. For safety purposes, only adults should light or operate gas appliances. Please follow these operating instructions carefully. Contact the ranger at 646-430-4471 if you need assistance with any gas appliance.

Safety Equipment:  All cabins have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors for your protection. Tampering with these devices is a criminal offence. Fire extinguishers are provided in a break-glass cabinet in each cabin. Please make note of its location as you enter the cabin.

Cleaning Equipment:  Each cabin is provided a broom, mop, dustpan and garbage can for your use.

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Check-Out Procedures

When you are ready to Checkout, please contact your area Campmaster or the Visitor’s Center. A member of the camp staff will inspect your site to insure that it is left in good condition for the next unit to use. The following items should be completed:

  • Area should be clean, papers or debris in or around site discarded
  • Latrine should be cleaned
  • Courtesy woodpile built by fire ring or outside cabin
  • All gas appliances shut off (heater, lamps & stove)*

All cabins in Pouch have gas stoves and heaters. Cabins that do not have electric service do not have gas lanterns. Please bring lanterns with you. For safety purposes, only adults should light or operate gas appliances. Please follow these operating instructions carefully. Contact the ranger at 646-430-4471 if you need assistance with any gas appliance.

  • Windows and doors closed and locked*
  • Kitchen should be cleaned*

* Cabins only

When a Campmaster or a Ranger has checked out your site, you will be provided a completed Checkout form. You will need to turn this into the Visitor’s Center.

All units should plan on departing camp by 3pm. Please contact the Ranger in the Visitor’s Center to arrange for an extra day’s stay or a late departure.


Courtesy Wood Pile:

The third point of the Scout law is: A Scout is helpful. We request that you leave a stack of wood in your site. There should be enough wood to build a fire for one evening. Maintenance Items: Please report any repairs that need to be made to the Ranger at the Visitor’s Center.

